Saturday, October 23, 2010

October Snow

Hej Hej!

So it happened. It snowed on Thursday. The walk home was brutal and cold, but beautiful. The next day at school, the mountains behind us were covered in a white blanket. It was picturesque, to say the least.

Today, the snow melted with the lovely rain. I've had a headache all day, but toughed it out to go to the gym and run errands. I can finally watch TV here, and I get about 11 channels, mostly Swedish, but Discovery is in English, which is sweet!

In a week from now, I will be in Stockholm! Actual Stockholm this time! Then a few short days later, I'll be in Berlin. Only five school days! I've been reading about the Brandenburg Gate all day, and can't wait to be in a city where SO much has happened!

My head still hurts, so I'm gonna make some popcorn and watch a movie.

A wave of nostalgia seems to be sweeping over Jean Roycers, and if any of you follow this, I say: amen. A night out on the Kingston town with good friends is something that has a fond place in my heart!

Hej då!

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These are a few of my favourite things. . .

  • Travel and travel-related journaling
  • the Weakerthans
  • The sound of rain at night when falling asleep
  • Sweet Potato Fries
  • Animals! and not eating them!
  • Crepes with nutella
  • running
  • la musique
  • outdoor concerts and festivals
  • Joni Mitchell
  • Introspection
  • Dancing when no one is around (except my family)
  • American poets